Verifying Signatures

Note: To verify a signed artifact or blob, first install Cosign, then follow the instructions below.

The general verification format with the cosign verify command is as follows.

$ cosign verify [--key <key path>|<key url>|<kms uri>] <image uri>

Keyless verification using OpenID Connect

We’ll use user/demo as our example image in the following commands and keyless signing where appropriate.

For identity-based verification of a container image, use the following command:

$ cosign verify <image URI>

The oidc-issuer for Google is, Microsoft is, GitHub is, and GitLab is

The following example verifies the signature on file.txt from user issued by It uses a provided bundle cosign.bundle that contains the certificate and signature.

$ cosign verify-blob <file> --bundle cosign.bundle

With container images, the signature and certificate are attached to the container. For blobs, the signature and certificate can be stored in a bundle file that is created at the time of signing. Either the bundle must be specified, or the individual signature and certificate must be specified.

Important Note:

Signature payloads created by cosign included the digest of the container image they are attached to. By default, cosign validates that this digest matches the container during cosign verify.

If you are using other payload formats with cosign, you can use the --check-claims=false flag:

$ cosign verify --check-claims=false user/demo
Warning: the following claims have not been verified:
{"Critical":{"Identity":{"docker-reference":""},"Image":{"Docker-manifest-digest":"87ef60f558bad79beea6425a3b28989f01dd417164150ab3baab98dcbf04def8"},"Type":"cosign container image signature"},"Optional":null}

This will still verify the signature and payload against the supplied public key, but will not verify any claims in the payload.

Verify multiple images

You can pass more than one image to cosign verify.

$ cosign verify user-0/demo-0 user-1/demo-1

Local verifications

Verify with an on-disk public key provided by the signer or other organization:

$ cosign verify --key user/demo

Verify with an on-disk signed image from cosign save:

$ cosign verify --key --local-image PATH/to/user/demo

Verify image with local certificate and local certificate chain:

$ cosign verify --certificate cosign.crt --certificate-chain chain.crt user/demo

Verify image with user-provided trusted chain

Verify image with the provided certificate chain(s) and identity parameters (intended for “bring your own PKI” use cases).

  • with a single certificate chain file - which may contain one or several intermediate certificates followed by the root CA certificate - use the --certificate-chain parameter:
$ cosign verify --certificate-chain chain.crt --certificate-oidc-issuer --certificate-identity user/demo
  • with a certificate bundle PEM file containing several CA roots and (optionally) intermediate certificates, use the --ca-roots parameter together with --ca-intermediates:
$ cosign verify --ca-roots ca-roots.pem --ca-intermediates ca-intermediates \
  --certificate-oidc-issuer \
  --certificate-identity user/demo

The --ca-roots and --ca-intermediates flags are mutually exclusive with --certificate-chain.

Verify an image on the transparency log

$ cosign verify user/demo

Verify attestation

You can verify attestations on an image with verify-attestation.

$ cosign verify-attestation user/demo

This will work with other flags, for example public key.

$ cosign verify-attestation --key user/demo

You can also verify an attestation with the transparency log.

$ cosign verify-attestation user/demo

Verify annotations

Annotations made in the original signature (cosign sign -a foo=bar) are present under the Optional section of the payload:

$ cosign verify --key  user/demo | jq .
  "Critical": {
    "Identity": {
      "docker-reference": ""
    "Image": {
      "Docker-manifest-digest": "97fc222cee7991b5b061d4d4afdb5f3428fcb0c9054e1690313786befa1e4e36"
    "Type": "cosign container image signature"
  "Optional": {
    "sig": "original"

These can be checked with matching -a foo=bar flags on cosign verify. When using this flag, every specified key-value pair must exist and match in the verified payload. The payload may contain other key-value pairs.

# This works
$ cosign verify -a --key  user/demo
{"Critical":{"Identity":{"docker-reference":""},"Image":{"Docker-manifest-digest":"97fc222cee7991b5b061d4d4afdb5f3428fcb0c9054e1690313786befa1e4e36"},"Type":"cosign container image signature"},"Optional":{"sig":"original"}}

# This works too
$ cosign verify -a sig=original --key  user/demo
{"Critical":{"Identity":{"docker-reference":""},"Image":{"Docker-manifest-digest":"97fc222cee7991b5b061d4d4afdb5f3428fcb0c9054e1690313786befa1e4e36"},"Type":"cosign container image signature"},"Optional":{"sig":"original"}}

# This doesn't work
$ cosign verify -a sig=original -a=foo=bar --key  user/demo
error: no matching claims:
invalid or missing annotation in claim: map[sig:original]

Download the signatures to verify with another tool

Each signature is printed to stdout in a JSON format:

$ cosign download signature

Retrieving a public key

If you lose the public key for some reason, you can re-export it from the private key. (This also works with other key reference types, explained below)

$ ./cosign public-key --key cosign.key
Enter password for private key:
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Verifyng KMS signatures

To verify using a key managed by a KMS provider, you can pass a provider-specific URI to the --key command:

$ cosign verify --key <some provider>://<some key>

Verification for --
The following checks were performed on each of these signatures:
  - The cosign claims were validated
  - The signatures were verified against the specified public key
  - Any certificates were verified against the Fulcio roots.

[{"critical":{"identity":{"docker-reference":""},"image":{"docker-manifest-digest":"sha256:410a07f17151ffffb513f942a01748dfdb921de915ea6427d61d60b0357c1dcd"},"type":"cosign container image signature"},"optional":null}]

Retrieve the public key from a private key or KMS

When verifying using the full --kms <some provider>://<some key> reference, you’ll make an API request to that service. This may require special permissions, depending on the service.

Another option is to use cosign to export the public key from the service, and you can use that to verify signatures:

$ cosign public-key --key <some provider>://<some key> >
$ cosign verify --key


# Retrieve from Google Cloud KMS
$ cosign public-key --key gcpkms://projects/someproject/locations/us-central1/keyRings/foo/cryptoKeys/bug/versions/1
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

# Retrieve from HashiCorp Vault
$ cosign public-key --key hashivault://transit
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

Custom Components

For configuring Cosign to work with custom components, checkout the Configuring Cosign with Custom Components docs to find out how to achieve this.

Custom Root Cert

You can override the public good instance CA using the environment variable SIGSTORE_ROOT_FILE by running the following.

export SIGSTORE_ROOT_FILE="/home/jdoe/myrootCA.pem"

Experimental Features

Verify a signature was added to the transparency log

There are two options for verifying a Cosign signature was added to a transparency log:

  1. Check the log to make sure the entry exists in the log
  2. Use the bundle annotation on a Cosign signature to verify an element was added to the log without hitting the log

The Cosign bundle annotation contains a Signed Entry Timestamp (SET), which is conceptually similar to an SCT in a Web PKI system. The SET is a signed inclusion promise provided by the transparency log, which acts as a guarantee by the log that an element has been included in it. The SET can be verified with the logs public key and used to prove that an element is in the log without actually checking the log itself.

For more details on how the bundle annotation is formatted, review the Cosign spec.

To verify the bundle annotation, follow these steps:

  1. Marshal the bundle Payload into JSON
  2. Canonicalize the payload by following RFC 8785 rules
  3. Verify the canonicalized payload and signedEntryTimestamp against the transparency logs public key